Friday, October 28, 2005


Our friends Elephant Larry are posting images of baby animals in their blog so I thought we should too.

This image came up using Y! Image Search for "cuddly baby animals":

It's adorable.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Fuba Wuba

Last night I went and saw "Delaware - A Subtle Spectacular" at ReBar. It features two members of Flaming Box, Kirk and Evan, and it was great. I highly recommend checking it out.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Hope his cellmate isn't a Lakers fan

He should have plea bagained for 33 days:

Man requests longer prison sentence to match Bird's jersey number

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A man got a prison term longer than prosecutors and defense attorneys had agreed to -- all because of Larry Bird.

The lawyers reached a plea agreement Tuesday for a 30-year term for a man accused of shooting with an intent to kill and robbery. But Eric James Torpy wanted his prison term to match Bird's jersey number 33.

``He said if he was going to go down, he was going to go down in Larry Bird's jersey,'' Oklahoma County District Judge Ray Elliott said Wednesday. ``We accommodated his request and he was just as happy as he could be.

``I've never seen anything like this in 26 years in the courthouse. But, I know the DA is happy about it.''

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Spam Rulz!

Check out this ridiculous spam we got at our Train of Thought email:


My name is XXXX XXXX and I'm with Our site is dedicated
to informing the public on train accident law as well as providing the service
of locating local attorneys and law firms for anyone in the United States.

We have recently come upon and we believe that your
site's audience will take advantage of the service we provide. That's why

we would like to inform you about our site and to propose submitting our
link to your web page located at

Train accidents?

You know who I am?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Honk! Honk!

Here's a picture of a gaggle of geese crossing the road in Bulgaria.

Why ask why?

Bulgarian Geese: Have a good weekend!

Us: Ok! You too!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wide Right

Oh, Craigslist. I <3 you so.

Place Kicker Wanted

Reply to: see below
Date: 2005-10-04, 3:48PM PDT


-Can you kick a football accurately from 47 yards out?
-Are you cool under pressure?
-Do you like to travel?

If so, apply in person at:
Qwest Field
800 Occidental Ave. S.
Seattle, WA 98134
Please ask for Tim or Mike.

this is in or around Qwest Field, 800 Occidental Ave. S.

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Compensation: $380,000

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A-Rod Isn't Good Enough...Again

Being from Seattle means you have a variety of responsibilities that, however trivial, you must take seriously. They include (but are not limited to) having a favorite coffee drink that is difficult to make and complicated to order - FYI, you must be able to raffle off the complex order quickly!, a fondness for REI or North Face fleece, a vow to never carry an umbrella and a deep, seething loathing for former Mariner turned Yankee Alex Rodriguez.

It’s glorious to see him fail, again, in the postseason. Against Anaheim (who do not play in Los Angeles!) he hit a whopping .133 with no RBI and grounded into the series ending double play. All that money can’t buy him the big hit when he needs it.

Plus he gets to spend the offseason getting compared to his teammate Derek Jeter who knows how to win.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

New Train of Thought Sponsor!

Ryan, Matt and I are excited to announce we have a new sponsor for our upcoming show in February 2006 Train of Thought > Breaking Up. We'll be wearing clothes by Gama-Go! Their clothes are great so be sure to check them out!


Monday, October 10, 2005

Neon - RIP

Dodge is phasing out the Neon and I find that very depressing.

I’ve had a few cars in my lifetime but my favorite, bar none, was my 1997 Dodge Neon. It was the first new car I had ever bought and I loved it to death. It was so much fun to drive – featuring 150hp and it was made of plastic so it flew. Plus it had ridiculously fun quirks my friends and I joked about: a completely unnecessary spoiler that was so tall you couldn't see what was behind you, a “power budge hood” (I’m serious. That’s what Dodge called it.) featuring a sticker that said "DOHC 2.0" in an aggressive font, fog lights my then-girlfriend yelled at me constantly about because I refused to turn them off (fog lights are cool people!) and a bizzare “tango” style interior.

Sadly, I was involved in a car wreck on the highway and it was totaled. It was tough though – I was sandwiched between and SUV and a full-size Taurus that was going 40+ mph – and I walked away with only minor injuries.

I like my VW but I still miss that car. Thanks for the memories Neon.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Working on Saturday...

This is like taking a punch in the balls for cash.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Other Parts Are True as Well

I just got the shirt I mentioned in a previous post in the mail today. I didn't know this but apparently it's a quote from Anchorman, a movie I didn't really like. Oh well, I love the shirt though. Here's the quote in its entirety:

Ron Burgandy - I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Favorite Spam E-Mail So Far

Glass Sex Toys are an Acceptable Gift for any Occasion.

Really? Any occasion?

So F'n Seattle

I can't help feel like I'm overdoing the whole Seattle culture thing. I just finished lunch where I ate a sandwich with a Jones soda while listening to the Blue Scholars and staring at Pike Place Market. I feel the need to grow a beard and wear flannel......must resist urges.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Then what is it?

One the way to work today I saw a license plate holder that said:

Seattle Milk Project

It's Not Just Milk Anymore

Monday, October 03, 2005

Stupid Apple and their cool products

I held off buying an iPod for a long time because I was convinced the moment I bought one Apple would release a smaller, swankier version with a color screen and other cool features. I finally caved and bought one...only to see the iPod Nano released two months later. Oh well.

BTW, Chris of Elephant Larry has posted the best review of the new iPod Nano I've seen.

Were they supposed to give it away?

What's so odd about this Y! News?