Krabby Meat Produkts
I swung by the grocery store on my way home and made a delightfully stupid purchase: Sugar-Free Red Bull and Frosted Sugar Cookies.
Thank you. I’ll be here all week.
But the guy behind me bought a six pack of MGD and imitation krab meat. Yes, spelt with a k. I think I knew imitation krab meat existed but I’d never actually seen it. And I found the fact it's spelt with a 'k' horrifying.
Here’s the gist of how it’s made:
Imitation crab meat is a seafood product made by blending processed fish, known as surimi, with various texturizing ingredients, flavorants, and colorants. First invented in the mid-1970s, imitation crab meat has become a popular food in the United States, with annual sales of over $250 million. Surimi is the primary ingredient used to create imitation crab meat. It is mostly composed of fish myofibrillar proteins. These proteins are responsible for the quintessential characteristic of surimi that makes imitation crab meat manufacture possible, namely the ability to form a sturdy gel. The gel can be shaped and cut into thin strips which, when rolled together, mimic the texture of real crab meat.
I tells ya I gots a cravin’ for some myofibrillar fish proteins!
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